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Clifford Lynch - Bio


Clifford Lynch, Jr., is a lifelong resident of Woodbridge. Cliff graduated from Beecher Road School, the Amity School system, Quinnipiac University, and Gupton Jones College of Funeral Service.


Cliff is a funeral director with the Iovanne Funeral Home in New Haven. In Woodbridge, he currently serves as a member of the Sperry Park Commission and has recently been nominated for the role of Justice of the Peace.  Cliff is a parishioner of Our Lady of the Assumption Church. He is a member of the Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade Executive Committee, having served as Grand Marshal in 2017.  He and his wife Shannon enjoy raising their two children Clifford and Eiley in Woodbridge.


“I’m running for Zoning Board of Appeals in an effort to give back to a town that has given my family and me so much.  I want only the best for our town and everyone who lives here.”


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